I’m sitting in the train station. It’s loud. I’m tired. Haven’t slept since yesterday morning.
I saw two birds, but as I said, I’m in a train station. Seeing them flutter in my view didn’t make much sense.
How did they get in?
This place is massive, but I struggle to see any windows where they might have come in. There are revolving doors though, so unless someone came in with them, I have no clue.
Either way, I’m tired. I thought I dreamt them. A double take, for sure.
I was on the bus thinking about Saturday morning cartoons. Don’t know why.
I barely watched television growing, but when I did, it was reruns of an anime that never continued off from the previous weekend. Sporadic and all over the place. Who even controlled that network?
I would think that other children tuned in just as confused as me.
Again, I’m just tired. Passing the time right now.
Last thought before I close this.
Do you think history’s greatest writers would elaborate on the meaning of their work. Specifically speaking on the prose that do have context and are free from explanation.
A lot to think about.
I’m tired.